Ratings and Reviews of Street-Lynx 68-70 B-body

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Score: 5.00. Votes: 2
Score: 5.00. Votes: 2
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  • Moparich
    Jun 23, 2022, 04:51 PM
    Installed the street lynx set up this weekend on my 70 Charger. Very solid kit lots of adjustability. First drives around with some light spirited action is extremely smooth and comfortable. A huge improvement over the monoleaf previously installed. I primarily autocross these days and will be participating at an event shortly. You can see my runs with the RMS front and rear suspension on my YouTube channel Moparich
  • andres vieyra
    Sep 23, 2020, 07:33 PM
    Fits like a glove!! there might be some difference in everbodys frame but for my vehicle it was a snug fit. Really easy to install and the instructions are very straight forward. Would buy again for any other Mopar i will own. It is alot of money but worth every penny.